On October 18th, Dr. Keegan presented the equine keynote address at the 2019 ACVS Surgery Summit in Las Vegas, NV. The Equinosis team was gratified that our company founder and our friend received such an honor from his colleagues. Dr. Keegan has worked tirelessly on lameness measurement with one objective -- to improve the care that he and his fellow equine veterinarians provide. In just over an hour, he shared two decades of scientific discovery now being applied in the field.
Kevin Keegan, DVM, MS, DAVCS
Central to the presentation were new scientific facts about lameness – previously unknown and unobservable to the human eye, including a warning for those unaware of and not accounting for the variability of equine lameness. Whether researchers using force plates and collecting insufficient contiguous strides, or clinicians in the field failing to stabilize lameness, Dr. Keegan warned of the perils of not appreciating stride-to-stride and trial-to-trial variability.
Beginning the presentation, Dr. Keegan shared an entirely new perspective on equine biomechanical “fault detection” as opposed to gait analysis; which followed a look back to the 1800s and the genesis of the veterinary term “lameness”.
Before fielding questions from the crowd of about 200 ACVS members, Dr. Keegan gave a glimpse of the future of lameness measurement and the next frontier using artificial intelligence and “big data” solutions.
To watch the encore presentation webinar, go to: https://equinosis.myshopify.com/blogs/recorded-webinars/2019-acvs-keynote-encore-presentation-20-years-of-measuring-lameness-in-horses
Objectively yours,
Andy Wolter
Equinosis CEO