The Equinosis Q Tech Certification Program
The objective and ultimate benefit of this certification program is developing proficient and confident veterinary technicians and assistants capable of supporting veterinarians utilizing the Equinosis Q.
We understand the critical role many veterinary assistants, nurses and technicians play in the collection of data during an objective evaluation. Accordingly, we are working hard to ensure support staff have the tools and knowledge to make lameness measurement a seamless part of any lameness evaluation protocol.
The Q Tech Certification Program was established to educate and provide confidence in the people instrumenting the horse and running the software, and is open to veterinary technicians, nurses, and assistants.
With your help, we can ensure your practice is providing the most objective and efficient biomechanical care possible.
Objectively yours,
The Equinosis Team
- To qualify and participate in the certification program, your practice must be an Equinosis Q user, utilizing the latest software version of Lameness Locator, and be a current Equinosis Objective Evaluation Support (OES) member. Current users who are interested in certification and are unsure about their OES status or need assistance updating their software can email
- Register by contacting
- Complete the Basic Training Modules for vet techs/assistants.
- Pass the basic training comprehension checks associated with each training module with a requisite score for each.
- Demonstrate proper horse instrumentation (via photo or video) and data collection proficiency (verification required by supervising veterinarian).