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2019 ACVS Keynote Highlight: 20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses

2019 ACVS Keynote Highlight: 20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses

By Laurie Tyrrell-Schroeder Laurie Tyrrell-Schroeder, DVM | Updated on | ACVS, Diagnostic Blocks, Equinosis News, LT Schroeder, Lunging, Multiple Limb Lameness, ridden evaluation

At this year’s ACVS Annual Surgery Summit, Kevin Keegan, DVM, MS, DACVS, Professor of Equine Surgery at the University of Missouri, and co-inventor of the Equinosis Q inertial sensor-based lameness measurement system, presented the equine keynote “20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses: The Practical Significance to Equine Veterinarians”.  As an active equine clinician, board certified surgeon, university professor and researcher, Dr. Keegan has devoted much of his life and professional career to studying equine lameness and developing a method to measure it with high sensitivity, accuracy, repeatability and practicality for the practicing equine veterinarian.  As an overview...

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2019 ACVS Keynote Highlight: 20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses