Interested in joining our upcoming webinars?
By Andy Wolter, Equinosis CEO | Updated on | A Wolter, Upcoming Webinars
Dear customers & friends, We hope everyone is healthy and coping with the global pandemic. If there can be a silver lining, it is an opportunity for many families to slow down and spend time at home together. At this point, we hear that many large animal veterinarians are still busy and tending to the animals under their care. At many larger equine clinics and universities, we understand emergency-only staffing is taking place. We appreciate the sacrifices everyone is making to contain the viral spread yet care for their patients and protect our food supply. Equinosis will be curbing travel...
Letter from the CEO: Winter 2020
By Andy Wolter, Equinosis CEO | Updated on | A Wolter, Horse Racing, Letter from CEO, Racehorse, Racetrack, Racing
Dear reader, It has been an exciting winter for objective lameness measurement. With the addition of the University of Minnesota and Iowa State University now 90% (27 of 30) of AAVMC schools in the U.S. have an Equinosis Q. Following the Breeders’ Cup in November (just after publishing the Fall edition of EoO), NAARV recommended the use of inertial sensors for racing regulation. You can find the press release and Equinosis Veterinary Council recommendations on p. 27. We helped Dr. Keegan launch a new LinkedIn group Equine, Objective Lameness Measurement, to share topical information. Join the conversation at In...
An Enduring Commitment To Science, Ingenuity, and Veterinary Medicine
By Andy Wolter, Equinosis CEO | Updated on | A Wolter, Equinosis News
On October 18th, Dr. Keegan presented the equine keynote address at the 2019 ACVS Surgery Summit in Las Vegas, NV. The Equinosis team was gratified that our company founder and our friend received such an honor from his colleagues. Dr. Keegan has worked tirelessly on lameness measurement with one objective -- to improve the care that he and his fellow equine veterinarians provide. In just over an hour, he shared two decades of scientific discovery now being applied in the field. Click to read the 20+ Years of Measuring Lameness: The Practical Significance to Equine Veterinarians recap. Kevin Keegan, DVM, MS, DAVCS...
2019 ACVS Keynote Highlight: 20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses
By Laurie Tyrrell-Schroeder, DVM | Updated on | ACVS, Diagnostic Blocks, Equinosis News, LT Schroeder, Lunging, Multiple Limb Lameness, ridden evaluation
At this year’s ACVS Annual Surgery Summit, Kevin Keegan, DVM, MS, DACVS, Professor of Equine Surgery at the University of Missouri, and co-inventor of the Equinosis Q inertial sensor-based lameness measurement system, presented the equine keynote “20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses: The Practical Significance to Equine Veterinarians”. As an active equine clinician, board certified surgeon, university professor and researcher, Dr. Keegan has devoted much of his life and professional career to studying equine lameness and developing a method to measure it with high sensitivity, accuracy, repeatability and practicality for the practicing equine veterinarian. As an overview...
Interested in joining our upcoming webinars?
Letter from the CEO: Winter 2020
An Enduring Commitment To Science, Ingenuity, and Veterinary Medicine
2019 ACVS Keynote Highlight: 20+ Years of Measuring Lameness in Horses
Letter from the CEO: Fall 2019
Equinosis Honors the life of Dr. Yoshiharu Yonezawa Equinosis Q Co-inventor
Changes coming in LLTouch: Thresholds VS. Reference Ranges
Objective Evaluation Experts Coming to Kentucky Next Week!
CEO Andy Wolter to Speak at Upcoming Practice Building Webinar
Upcoming Info Webinar: June 28, 2018
2018 Objective Lameness Academy Recap
Equinosis® Q "Find a Vet" Map Update
2018 Objective Lameness Academy - UPDATE